Issue 151 Awakenings

What's inside

“A church rightly reformed . . .”

Puritans pursued relentless renewal in the Elizabethan Church

Scott McGinnis

“Viva! Viva! Gesù!”

In the wake of Protestant Reformation, Catholic reform rekindled love for Christ within the Catholic church

Shaun Blanchard

Recovering “true Christianity”

Pietism stood at the forefront of renewal in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 

J. Steven O’Malley

Lightning strikes

During the First Great Awakening, revival swept through England and the American colonies like a storm

Rebecca Price Janney

Rugged revival

Revivalism cemented Christian identity on the American frontier 

Joseph L. Thomas

Did you know? Awakenings

Stories from the great awakenings

Chris Rogers

Letters to the editor. Awakenings

Readers respond to Christian History

readers and the editors

Meet the team: Melody Schwartz

I get to do one of my favorite pastimes

Melody Schwartz

Executive editor's note: Awakenings

A real revival bears lasting fruit

Bill Curtis

Defining revival

an easy-to-remember, one-word definition of “revival” is God.

Michael J. McClymond

Freedom to worship him

The children’s prayer revival in Silesia 

Matt Forster

“We learned to love”

Revival at Herrnhut

Paul Peucker

The awakeners

Before revival swept through the colonies, God was preparing key people around the world

Randy Petersen


Who influenced whom

the editors

Christian History timeline: awakenings, renewals, revivals

Revival movements of the early and modern eras

the editors


The First Awakening ended, but it continued to shake the world

John T. Lowe

Words that bring the dead to life

Issue advisor Michael McClymond walks CH through revival preaching

Michael McClymond

Preaching with power

Sermons that stirred hearts and spurred revival

Three 18th-century evangelists

“The flame spread more and more”

A firsthand account of the revival at Cane Ridge

Colonel Robert Patterson

Divine disruption

Healing revivals of the nineteenth century fueled later Pentecostalism

Charlie Self

More great awakeners

These unconventional figures preached the gospel and fomented revival

Jennifer A. Boardman

Awakenings: questions for reflection

Discuss: awakening and outpouring

the editors

Awakenings: Recommended resources

Read more about the Great Awakenings and the renewal movements that preceded and followed them in these resources recommended by our authors and the CH team.

the editors

More than revival

The Second Great Awakening Christianized a nation from East to West

Thomas S. Kidd
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