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Don’t be surprised by dark times (1803)

And behold, terror and great darkness fell upon him —Genesis 15:12 (NASB). There is something very gloomy and awfu...



Repose (death) of Saint Michael, first metropolitan of Kiev.

Authority for the date:


Death of Vladimir, Grand Prince of Rus, whose conversion to Christianity established the Russian Orthodox Church.

Authority for the date: Shipman, Andrew. “St. Vladimir the Great.” Catholic Encyclopedia. Appleton, 1912.


Death of Bonaventura. He was a minister general of the Franciscans and a notable preacher. His writings breathe a warmth of spiritual passion and avoidance of scholastic nit-picking.

Authority for the date: Encyclopedia Americana, 1956.


Death of Anne-Marie Javouhey, an extraordinary peasant girl who took the gospel to French territories in Africa and South America.

Authority for the date: Delany, John. Saints for All Seasons. New York: Doubleday, 1979.


The first Hawaiian missionaries set sail for the Caroline Islands with a letter of greeting from King Kamehameha III to all the chiefs of the islands of the Pacific urging them to receive the missionaries kindly, renounce idols, and worship the true and living God. Revival had come to Hawaii and its people were eager to share the gospel.

Authority for the date:


Dorothy L. Sayers is baptized as an infant. She will write the well-known Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, Christian plays, a radio series on the life of Christ called The Man Born to Be King, and works of apologetics.

Authority for the date: Dale, Alzina Stone. Maker and Craftsman; the Story of Dorothy L. Sayers. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.

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