Vengeful Islanders Murdered Patteson and His Team (1871)
“Common perils, common burdens, an almost universal hatred and contempt for the Flock of Christ can, by God s Grace, contribute much to the healing of...”
Precious is the help of the Holy Spirit (1890)
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your r...
Tatars torture and behead Prince Michael of Chernigov and his boyar (noble attendant), Theodore of Chernigov, when they refuse to renounce their Christian faith.
Authority for the date: Wikipedia.1565
Pedro Menendez massacres all the Huguenots at St. Johns River, Florida, “because they were Lutherans and enemies of our holy catholic faith.”
Authority for the date:
Jesuit priest Gabriel Lalemant arrives in Quebec. He will soon be martyred.
Authority for the date: O'Brien, John A. The American Martyrs. New York: Apelleton, Century, Crofts, 1953.1838
Marie Rafaravavy, a persecuted Christian in Madagascar, meets secretly with a former missionary of the London Missionary Society, who helps her escape to England with some of her persecuted companions.
Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.1852
Death of Philander Chase, the first Episcopal Church bishop for Illinois. He had been an ardent missionary on the frontier and among Indian tribes, and had founded two seminaries on the American frontier, one of which will survive as Kenyon College.
Authority for the date:
Dr. Horace Newton Allen arrives in Chemulpo, Korea, praying for an opportunity to evangelize Korea, where the introduction of Christianity is illegal. A rebellion in Seoul will provide the opportunity when Prince Min Yong Ik, a nephew of the king, suffers seven sword thrusts. Refusing to flee with other westerners, Allen tends the prince, who miraculously recovers. Recognizing that western medicine is an outgrowth of Christianity, the grateful king removes restrictions on Christianity.
Authority for the date: Nak-chun Paek. History of Protestant Missions in Korea. Yonsei University Press, 1987.1921
Death of William J. Kirkpatrick, composer of hymn tunes such as JESUS SAVES (“We Have Heard the Joyful Sound”), KIRKPATRICK (“He Hideth My Soul”), REDEEMED (“Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It”), TRUST IN JESUS (“’Tis Sweet to Trust in Jesus”), and both the words and music to “Lord, I’m Coming Home.”
Authority for the date: Standard Encyclopedias.