Clerical “Error” Freed Corrie Ten Boom from Nazi Prison (1944)
“The Holy See takes this occasion to reiterate its condemnation of hatred, persecution and all other manifestations of anti Semitism directed against t...”
Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel
Do all through and for Christ (1901)
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father throu...
During the siege of Antioch the ground shakes, the heavens glow red, and the crusaders spot a great light in the form of a cross.
Authority for the date: Christian History 40 (1993).1545
Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth I of England) dedicates to her father, King Henry VIII, a multilingual translation of Katharine Parr's Manual of Devotion, also known as Prayers or Meditations. Parr held Reformation views. Elizabeth's translations are into French, Italian, and Latin.
Authority for the date: James Anderson, Ladies of the Reformation1853
Death while suffering from elephantitis of Moravian missionary Mary Hartmann, who had labored in the outback of Surinam alone after the death of her husband to hold together and extend a church as well as industries.
Authority for the date: Beach, Harlan P., et al. Protestant Missions1892
Death in Glasgow of Andrew Bonar, who had been moderator of the Scottish Free Church and authored many books, including a biography of Robert Murray McCheyne.
Authority for the date: Bonar, Marjory, ed. Andrew A. Bonar, D.D. Life and Letters. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1894.1896
Execution of José Rizal, a Filipino patriot and doctor, who had sometimes espoused Christianity, and who had urged his followers to act as Christ taught, not as the Spanish conquerors behaved. He was author of the novel Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not), a social protest, and had formed revolutionary organizations.
Authority for the date: Tuggy. The Philippine Church1906
Death of Josephine Butler in Northumberland, England. Having witnessed her beloved daughter plunge to death before her eyes, Butler had sought a task assisting those even more broken-hearted than herself. As a consequence, she had championed downtrodden women and brought assistance and the gospel to prostitutes.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1922
The Bolshevik government exiles Orthodox thinkers Sergius Bulgakov and Nicholas Berdyaevis among one hundred and sixty prominent intellectuals.
Authority for the date:
The silent film Ben Hur, based on Lew Wallace’s novel of the time of Christ, opens at the George M. Cohan Theater in New York City and receives rave reviews.
Authority for the date: Wikipedia.1927
The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel is incorporated in Los Angeles, California. Founded four years earlier by evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson, its vision is to present Jesus Christ in the language, culture, and understanding of every man, woman and child and in every nation.
Authority for the date: “The Foursquare Church — About Us.” www.foursquareyaba.org1934
Death in Chicago of Frances Joseph Gaudet, an African-American / Native-American educator and prison reformer, organizer of prison prayer meetings, founder of the Gaudet Normal and Industrial School in Louisiana, and a delegate to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union’s international convention in 1900.
Authority for the date: Episcopal Church. Holy Women, Holy Men.1993
The Vatican and Israel sign the Fundamental Agreement Beween the Holy See and the State of Israel which protects church property and traditional sacred spots in Israel, the rights of Christians, and the freedom to teach and train Christians. Both parties promise to uphold human freedom and the right to worship. Both deplore anti-Semitism. Diplomatic ties between the two parties commence as soon as the agreement is signed.
Authority for the date: "Fundamental Agreement Beween the Holy See and the State of Israel." www.vatican.va1997
Death in Indiana of Mennonite theologian John Howard Yoder, who had argued for pacifism in his influential book The Politics of Jesus. His theological stature was undercut by widespread accusations of sexual harrassment against women.
Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals.2002
An Islamic militant shoots and kills three US Christian missionaries working at a Baptist-run hospital in Yemen. William Koehn, the administrator of Jibla Baptist hospital, Kathleen Gariety, a supplies purchaser, and medical doctor Martha Myers all die instantly from bullets to the head. Pharmacist Donald Caswell is left in critical condition with abdominal wounds, but will recover.
Authority for the date:
Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton, head of the Full Gospel Church in Vietnam’s Thanh Hoa Province, is sentenced to two years’ house arrest for collecting documents and writing articles that “tarnish” the Communist regime’s reputation.
Authority for the date: Persecuted: the global assault on Christians.