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A thought for the first Sunday of Advent

Title page of Evening Rest

Today's Devotional

And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple—Malachi 3:1 (ESV).

See the King desired for ages, by the just expected long;
Long implored, at length he hasteth, cometh with salvation strong.
Oh, how past all utterance happy, sweet, and joyful it will be,
When they who unseen have loved Him, Jesus face to face shall see!
What will he the bliss and rapture none can dream and none can tell,
There to reign among the angels, in that heavenly home to dwell.
To those realms, just Judge, oh, call me, deign to open that blest gate;
Thou whom, seeking, looking, longing, I with eager hope await.


Contemplate the story of the Incarnation day-by-day throughout the season of Advent in our latest publication, The Grand Miracle. Based on the writings of C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, Dorothy Sayers, and others, each day’s reading offers a fresh look at the birth of Christ through the eyes of a modern author. Scripture, prayer, and full-page contemplative images complete each entry. 28 days, 64 pages. Preview the Devotional here.


About the author and the source

The lady who wrote Evening Rest identified herself only as the author of Morning Light. The preface, by Thomas Thellusson Carter (1808–1901), Rector of Clewery, noted: “The texts and verses are carefully adjusted to the course of the church’s seasons, thus weaving together, in a connected series of successive commemorations, the great mysteries of the faith, the chief graces of a holy life, and the examples of the saints.”

Evening Rest or Closing thoughts for every day in the Christian year. New York: Pott and Amery, 1871.

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