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Quote of the day

“Are you aware that the person of all others fitted to get on with boys is just elected master of Rugby His name is Arnold. He is a Wykehamist i.e., a...”

“Arthur Penrhyn Stanley.” The Living Age. Volume CLI. (Boston: Littell and Co., 1881)


Christ Quenches Thirst (1999)

If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink—John 7:37 (NASB).Jesus saw all the people at the Feast of Tabernacles...



Pope Vitalian consecrates Theodore of Tarsus as Archbishop of Canterbury. Well-educated and diplomatic, Theodore will establish a school, defuse animosity between Christians of the Celtic and Roman traditions, and set diocesean boundaries throughout England.

Authority for the date: Episcopal Church. Holy Women, Holy Men.


Election of Pope Stephen III after the sudden death of Stephen II. He will become the first papal monarch when Pepin (King of the Franks) places Ravenna under his control.

Authority for the date: Mann, Horace. "Pope Stephen (II) III."  Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Appleton, 1912.


Death of Ludger, a missionary to the Frisians and founder of Munster. He had been notable for his gentleness, but was also courageous—as evidenced by his refusing to respond to messengers from Charlemagne until he completed his devotions, defending his action to the king by saying, “God is to be preferred to you O King and to all men.”

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


Elizabeth of Brandenburg, dressed as a female peasant, escapes from the castle at Cologne, attended only by a waiting maid. Her husband, Joachim, elector of Brandenburg had threatened her with violence and imprisonment for inviting a Lutheran preacher to the castle in his absence and partaking of Communion in the Protestant manner.

Authority for the date: James Anderson, Ladies of the Reformation


The town council of Gorlitz summons Jacob Boehme to give an account of some of his writings that are considered heretical.

Authority for the date: Wikipedia.


An ordinance published in Paris allows Francois Laval to form a seminary in Canada that he has long sought. After his death it will become Laval University and train missionaries for Africa and other countries where French is spoken.

Authority for the date: Wikipedia.


A bullet is fired into the house where Richard Baxter is preaching, but it whizzes past him, narrowly missing the head of a sister-in-law.

Authority for the date: Life of Richard Baxter.


Death of Richard Allen, founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the first African-American bishop in America.

Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals.


Death in Indiana of Robert Richford Roberts who for forty years had served as a Methodist frontier circuit rider and bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, working primarily in Indiana.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


Birth of Uchimura Kanzo in Edo, Japan. He will convert to Christianity, become an evangelist and pacifist, found the “non-church” movement, and write the book How I Became a Christian.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


Joseph Henry Gilmore writes the hymn “He Leadeth Me” inspired by a midweek exposition he had given on the 23rd Psalm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Authority for the date: Cyberhymnal.


The Orthodox priest Gregory Matveyevich Vysotsky is sentenced to death, accused of having contacts with foreigners for “counter-revolutionary purposes.”

Authority for the date: Moss, Vladimir. Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia.


Joan Andrews is arrested for unsuccessfully attempting to disconnect the electric cord of a suction machine in an abortuary in Pensacola, Florida. Because she will not promise to cease antiabortion activities, and will refuse to cooperate with what she considers an unjust court system, she will be sentenced to five years of imprisonment—double the maximum recommended by sentencing guidelines.

Authority for the date:


Joan Andrews is unexpectedly released early from a prison in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where she had been serving a sentence for anti-abortion activities. (This is not the same imprisonment as the 1986 entry on this page.) Up to this point, Joan had been arrested two hundred times for anti-abortion activities and for refusing to comply with rules of probation. She refused to comply because doing so would make it appear she agreed that she had done something wrong.

Authority for the date:

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