Letters to the editor: Issue 148

Walking through the wilderness

Hello! Just wanted you to know how very much I look forward to your magazine and how I appreciated the wonderful devotional for this past Easter!!! I looked forward to spending time each day in its pages. Please thank everyone who contributed to it for me!!!—Sara Guffey, Prairie Village, KS

Yesterday I finished the daily readings for the Lenten season. I didn’t miss a day of reading, and I just wanted you to know I loved it. It was so well put together, so insightful and so full of wisdom. I also appreciated “meeting the team.” Daily I am reminded that we are all the body of Christ with giftings and talents, and that He has a place for all of us to be effective.—Suzi Cypert, San Angelo, TX

Having now completed Walk Through the Wilderness, I will now cherish this excellent little volume, and look forward to using it again in the future! Kudos to all of you who contributed! I hope it remains available in future, or is replaced with an excellent successor volume!—Patrick Wadsworth, via Facebook

Dear friends at Christian History, Thank you for the Walk Through the Wilderness pilgrimage through Lent. I am an 83-year-old grandmother and great-grandmother, and my husband of 60 years died four months ago; so this gift to me was especially meaningful.—Carolyn Morley, Salem, MO

Thank you for the Lenten devotional, Walk Through the Wilderness. It was a delight to read each day leading up to Easter Day and through the following Easter Week. It was thoroughly enjoyable and educational. Well Done!—Randy Miller, via email

Just wanted to say that I enjoy my subscription and I was particularly blessed by Walk Through the Wilderness. As a Lenten devotional it was outstanding. The combination of images, quotes from the spiritual giants, and reflections from your staff offered a meaningful daily blessing.—Steve Shuster, via email 

Thanks so much! The devotional has proved a great success, and we hope you use it for future Lenten journeys. 

In issue #147 we mistakenly placed the Septuagint on the timeline in 250 AD instead of BC (p. 22) and published a photo of Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:14–51) rather than the more famous Antioch (Acts 13:1–3) in modern Turkey (p. 40). Thanks to eagle-eyed readers for catching the errors.

By readers and editors

[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #148 in 2023]

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