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Let the Lord Use What We Have

Thoughts of Christ for Every Day of the Year

Today's Devotional

The Lord needs it—Luke 19:34 (NIV).

To say this to the owner of the colt at once stilled all opposition to his being taken for the Savior’s use. These words, or similar, are very fitting to be used when God requires us to give up something peculiarly prized by us. “The Lord hath need of it,” we say, and resist no longer. It is a thought which comforts as well as stills, to think that God has need of what He asks from us for some grand purpose of love. The thought may serve to lessen even the grief that is sorest—what is caused by our bereavement of a dear one valued above all. “The Lord hath need of him,” faith says, and checks her tears.

About the author and the source

In the preface to his Thoughts of Christ, Lord Kinloch declared that he had long thought the likeliest mode of combating infidelity would be to promote a perception of Christ’s human personality. His Thoughts aimed to do that. He was also the author of the hymn “Mansions for Me” and a judge for the Court of Sessions, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Lord Kinloch (William Penney). Thoughts of Christ for Every Day of the Year. London: Religious Tract Society, n.d.

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