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First Entry - 1948

Jim Elliot, missionary and martyr, wrote a remarkable journal.


On January 17, 1948, a twenty-year-old college student at Wheaton, Illinois, made the first entry in what would become one of the twentieth-century’s most-read Christian journals. His name was Jim Elliot and his influence would increase after he was martyred taking the gospel to the jungles of Ecuador (see Christian History 109 Eyewitnesses to the Modern Age of Persecution p. 18).


“What is written in these pages I suppose will someday be read by others than myself. For this reason I cannot hope to be absolutely honest in what is herein recorded…Yet I pray Lord, that you will make these notations as nearly true to fact as is possible so that I may know my own heart and be able to definitely pray regarding my gross, though often unviewed, inconsistencies.”


Elliot, Elizabeth, ed. The Journals of Jim Elliot. Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell, 1978.

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