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Each of us is the chief of sinners (1843)

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of wh...



Consecration of Pope Gregory I, “the Great.”

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


Death of Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector of England. A Puritan, he had made a strong profession of faith early in life.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


Death in Berlin of David Ancillon, a learned and highly respected pastor of the Reformed Church. He had built up a famous library while at Metz, which was plundered after he fled France following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

Authority for the date: Chalmers’ Biography


Death of John Holt Rice, Presbyterian theologian, who had been the first professor of Christian theology at Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, and the editor of the influential Virginia Evangelical and Literary Magazine.

Authority for the date:


Baptism of Sundar Singh, formerly an enemy of Christ, who had converted to Christianity following a dramatic vision of the risen Lord.

Authority for the date: Davey, Cyril. Sadhu Sundar Singh. Moody Press, n.d.


Conversion of Bentley Deforest Ackley, an alcoholic, who will write almost four thousand hymns, and become Billy Sunday’s organist and secretary. Among his hymns is “I Would Be Like Jesus.” Coincidentally, he dies on this same day in 1958.

Authority for the date: Select Seed from the Granary.


Walter Grand Taylor becomes superintendent of the Pacific Garden Mission.

Authority for the date: Henry, Carl F. The Pacific Garden Mission. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1942.


Isobel Kuhn enrolls in Moody Bible Institute. She will be known for her mission work in Southeast Asia and for her inspirational books.

Authority for the date: Kuhn, Isobel. By Searching. Chicago: Moody Press, 1959.


Death of American Presbyterian evangelist W. E. Biederwolf, who had been director of the Winona Lake Bible School of Theology, and founder and general director of the Family Altar League.

Authority for the date: New York Times.


Death of Rafailo Momcilovic, abbot of the Šišatovac Monastery and a notable painter of icons, after days of torture at the hands of a Croationa nationlist militia.

Authority for the date:


KGB agents arrest Vasily Bayechko of the Good Samaritan Mission, which both then and later did an enormous work in Ukraine and the former USSR. He is placed in cells with hardened criminals and leads entire groups to Christ.

Authority for the date: Linder, God’s Special Agents

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