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Quote of the day

“My Dearest Mother, I have just been shedding sweet tears tears of repentance, but still more of thankfulness and love. To day I showed you the treasur...”

Therese Martin (of Lisieux). The Story of a Soul (L’Histoire d’une Ame): The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux with additional writings and sayings of St. Thérèse. Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1912.


We Can Be Sons of God (1914)

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God—Romans 8:14. How unspeakably wealthy are the im...



[probable date] Death at Novara of Saint Bernard of Menthon (Bernard of Savoy) who evangelized in the Alps. He was famed for founding monasteries in the mountains to succor travelers—monasteries that sent out monks with large dogs to seek people lost in winter snows.

Authority for the date: Chambers’ Book of Days


German university masters attack John Wycliffe’s doctrines which had spread to their nation by way of Jan Hus and others.

Authority for the date: Spinka, Matthew. Jan Hus and the Czech Reform. The University of Chicago press, 1941.


The Spanish navy sweeps opposition from Haarlem Lake, and will go on to capture Haarlem itself in July. Having promised that no one would be punished except those people whom the citizens of Harlaam itself consider deserving of punishment, the victors proceed to butcher about three thousand of the inhabitants of the city.

Authority for the date: Dyer, Thomas Henry. Heroic Age of the Netherlands: Siege of Leyden, A.D. 1573.


Joseph Alleine, Puritan author of An Alarm to the Unconverted, is thrown into Lichester prison because he does not comply with England’s Act of Uniformity.

Authority for the date: Morgan, R. J. On This Day. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997.


James Renwick and about 200 men meet in Sanquhar, Scotland, where they will draft the Second Sanquhar Declaration which claims that King James II of England (VII of Scotland) is a murderer and an idolater and that acts of Parliament and Scottish church law make him ineligible to hold the kingship because he is a Catholic.

Authority for the date: Howie, John. Biographia Scoticana.


Roman Catholic bishop John Carroll of Baltimore issues a pastoral letter, the first document of its sort in the United States. Among its main themes is a call for Christian education.

Authority for the date:


Death at Newhaven, Connecticut, of Noah Webster, author of an American speller and other works, including a dictionary, that distinguished American English from British. He had been a conservative in politics and religion.

Authority for the date: Britannica


Commencement of the first Latin American Plenary Council, held in Rome, to discuss numerous issues faced by the Catholic churches of Latin America.

Authority for the date: A History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America


Samuel Clement Perry joins the Church of God, Cleveland, where he will do notable work before his exclusion.

Authority for the date: Burgess, Stanley M., et al. New International Dict. of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements.


Death at Bangassou, Africa, of Baptist missionary William Haas from a fever. He and his wife had done much to create Baptist Mid-Missions, recruit personnel, and establish the station at Bangassou.

Authority for the date: “May Missions History.”


Death in Aberdeen, Scotland, of Alfred Adler, a Jewish convert to Christianity who had gained fame as a neurologist and psychiatrist. He considered man’s “will to power” a primary motivator in human behavior and also addressed the role of inferiority feelings.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


John and Isobel Kuhn with Charles Paterson open their first rainy season Bible school, geared to teach the gospel during a season when fewer pursuits are open to the Lisu people of Thailand.

Authority for the date:


Death in Sydney, Australia, of missionary leader, Florence Selina Harriett Young.

Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals.


Father Maximillian Kolbe is transferred to the concentration camp at Auschwitz  where he will be executed, offering himself in place of a man who has a family.

Authority for the date: “Seventieth Anniversary of the Death of Father Maksymilian Kolbe.”


A communist party congress in Czechoslovakia declares its right to educate children in atheistic Leninism without regard for their parents’ religious values.

Authority for the date: Hutten, Kurt. Iron Curtain Christians. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1967.


Wu Weizun, a staunch Christian, who has suffered severely for his faith in Chinese prisons and camps, is formally released from prison. Because of his persistence in faith and refusal to pretend he has accepted the communist line, the authorities decide to take care of him, giving him a hut, official registration, and a monthly allowance.

Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity.


Release of US Citizen Eddie Jun Yong-Su, who had been arrested while attempting Christian work in North Korea. He had been beaten so severely he can scarcely walk without help

Authority for the date: Persecuted: the global assault on Christians.

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