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Quote of the day

“Oh could the first archangel s eye, In everlasting space, Through all the mazes of the sky A single sunbeam trace, He might behold that lovely one Its...”

Hatfield, Edwin F. The Poets of the Church. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., 1884.


Christian virtues improve society (1874)

Denying ungodliness, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world—Titus 2:12. When we have...



Death in Ostia, Italy, of Monica, prayerful mother of Augustine of Hippo.

Authority for the date: Christian Women in the Patristic World.


Opening of the Second Council of Seville, the largest ever held in Spain. Among its many decisions was a ruling that baptism only required a single dipping and that hymns by authors such as Ambrose, with texts not taken directly from Scripture, are allowable in church services.

Authority for the date: Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church.


Death of Pope Nicholas I the Great, who had been a strong proponent for Roman primacy in the church.

Authority for the date: Brusher, Joseph. Popes Through the Ages, Third Edition. Neff-Kane, 1980.


(probable date) Death of Yaballah III, originally known as Rabban Markos from Beijing, who traveled west with Bar Sauma, and became a Patriarch of the East Syrian Church.

Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity.


Johann Gerhard, who will become perhaps the most influential 17th-century Lutheran theologian, takes his doctorate of theology at the University of Jena.

Authority for the date:


Massachusetts passes a law against Baptists, calling them “troublers of churches” and subjecting them to banishment.

Authority for the date: Records of the Colony of Massachusetts, II. 85.


Scandinavian Baptists form a church in Chicago.

Authority for the date: Clinton Earl Stockwell, A Better Class of people.


Death of Edward Mote, English cabinetmaker and hymnwriter. He penned the lines to the hymn “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less.”

Authority for the date: Burrage, Henry S. Baptist Hymnwriters and Their Hymns. Portland, Maine: Brown, Thurston & Co., 1888.


Death of Prince Owusu-Ansa, who had worked as a Methodist evangelist in Ghana for many years. He had become a Christian while held hostage by the British.

Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.


Death of Francis Thompson, the English poet who wrote “The Hound of Heaven,” showing how God in grace pursued him after he had wrecked his life with opium addiction.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


Lenin writes to Maxim Gorki, “Every religious idea, every idea of God, even flirting with the idea of God, is unutterable vileness....”

Authority for the date: Leben Vol 1 #3 (Jul-Sep 2005).


Pope Pius XI beatifies Francis Xavier Cabrini, founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, placing her on a track to become the first American citizen to be canonized as a saint. Italian-born, she had gone to America to aid Italian immigrants.

Authority for the date: Wikipedia.

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