Letters to the editor, CH 125

praise for recent issues

Faith in the Foxholes arrived today. I was excited to read the letter to the editor from prisoner Stephanos Rosseau . . . because this coming Sunday my congregation and I will be pondering the good news of “born again.” Mr. Rosseau’s words will beautifully fit in my sermon. . . . P.S. Your work is really very worthwhile.—Kenneth Schwengel, Bowie, MD

Thank you for the Christian History issue on prisons. We learn a lot from history and your magazine has contributed to my knowledge in so many ways. It is a source of encouragement and hope for many.—Nancy Hennis, Jourdanton, TX

The magazines on the Reformation were most enlightening! Blessings!—Thomas Howard, Lexington, KY

there were other great cities

Thanks for many decades of excellent reading . . . The recent Christian History on Faith in the City was helpful, but “Citizens of no mean cities” illustrates how sometimes a western-centric limitation can be confusing. Comments such as the “greatest cities of antiquity . . . no ancient city exceeded one million . . . largest cultural center of the east” all unconsciously betray forgetfulness about the great Persian, Indian, and Chinese cities. I think we should be extra careful not to easily forget this history. The “then-known world” is an oft-made comment by many western magazines that makes me cringe, and should make all historians nervous.—Reginald Tsang, Newcastle, WA

We are working hard to broaden our focus beyond the Western European church history whose stories we have often told. We appreciate you reminding us that there is work still to be done.

where your money goes

Thank you and your donors for sending to me a free print series of Christian History. I am a 77-year-old widow with very limited income, no funds for extra paid pleasures, no access to a computer, and no ability to use one!—Julie Hammitt, El Cajon, CA

Great inspiring magazine! So glad you could return to a “hard copy.” One to hold and treasure the information so well researched!—Lucy Tiller, Greenville, SC

To help keep us, and Julie and Lucy, in hard copies, use the donation envelope in the center of the magazine, or visit us at ChristianHistoryMagazine.org!

that’ll preach

I did a three-week sermon series in October on the Reformation. The majority of my source material came from your series on the Reformation. I quoted several times from the CH magazines, giving credit each time. One result was a lady in our congregation deciding to become a subscriber to CH. I certainly appreciate the good work you do. Thank you!—Lew Vander Meer, Grand Rapids, MI

this month’s story idea

I was wondering if you could do a story on a dear brother called Watchman Nee. He became a Christian in 1920 in mainland China at 17. He wrote many books. . . . In 1952 he was imprisoned for his faith and remained in prison until his death in 1972. His words are inspirational and full of encouragement. —Ngawai Hill

CH 98 on China had a fascinating article on Watchman Nee, which you can find on our website. Stay tuned for some upcoming issues in response to our recent reader survey.

a runaway cart and a runaway date

On p. 30 of issue #123, the image of a cart in which prisoners were transported covered some of the text of John Wesley’s letter to Richard Morgan. Here is how the text should have read:

. . . it would do much good if anyone would be at the pains of now and then speaking with them. This he so frequently repeated that on the 24th of August, 1730, my brother and I walked with him to the Castle.
We were so well satisfied with our conversation there that we agreed to go thither once or twice a week; which we had not done long before he desired me to go with him to see a poor woman in the town who was sick.
In this employment too, when we came to reflect upon it, we believed it would be worth while to spend an hour or two in a week, provided the minister of the parish in which any such person was were not against it.

And, in issue #124, the editor’s note said that Christianity was legalized in the third century rather than in (as it correctly appeared elsewhere in the issue) the fourth. That pesky 300s = 4th century equivalence trips up the editor more often than she would like to admit, although she’s finally been convinced she does live in the twenty-first century.


[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #125 in 2018]

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