Kudos for the Army - 1919

Cardinal Gibbons praised the Salvation Army
During World War I, members of the Salvation Army provided succor, both spiritual and physical, to the allies, braving the dangers of the front, even when warned to retreat. Their work won high praise, endorsement by many nations, and the support of people and organizations whose theology differed considerably from their own. Here is a testimonial of that character from America’s leading archbishop, written on this day, April 16, 1919.
Hon. Charles S. Whitman, New York City.
Honorable and Dear Sir:
I have been asked by the local Commander of the Salvation Army to address a word to you as the National Chairman of the Campaign about to be launched in behalf of the above named organization. This I am happy to do, and for the reason that, along with my fellow American citizens, I rejoice in the splendid service which the Salvation Army rendered our Soldier and Sailor Boys during the war. Every returning trooper is a willing witness to the efficient and generous work of the Salvation Army both at the Front, and in the camps at home. I am also the more happy to commend this organization because it is free from sectarian bias. The man in need of help is the object of their effort, with never a question of his creed or color.
I trust, therefore, your efforts to raise $13,000,000 for the Salvation Army will meet with a hearty response from our generous American public.
Faithfully yours,
James Cardinal Gibbons.
Booth, Evangeline and Grace Livingston Hill. The War Romance of the Salvation Army.