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French Reformers Can Worship within Limits - 1598

Henry IV of France


When the Reformation came to France, decades of strife ensued because Catholics repressed Huguenots (the reformers) with great cruelty and the Huguenots battled and plotted in return to defend themselves and their power. King Henry IV was reared Huguenot, but embraced Catholicism to obtain the kingdom. However, he did not renounce the Huguenots, but issued the Edict of Nantes on this day April 13, 1598, granting them considerable religious and political liberty (soon eroded by their opponents) and ending the religious wars that had plagued France.


“....And not to leave any occasion of trouble and difference among our Subjects, we have permitted and do permit to those of the Reformed Religion, to live and dwell in all the Cities and places of this our Kingdom and Countreys under our obedience, without being inquired after, vexed, molested, or compelled to do anything in Religion, contrary to their Conscience, nor by reason of the same be searched after in houses or places where they live, they comporting themselves in other things as is contained in this our present Edict or Statute....”


Date confirmed in Encyclopedia Britannica. Text from (accessed 1-8-2015).

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