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Prescription for the sin disease - 1910

Reuben “Bud” Robinson, Nazarene preacher and editor.


Reuben “Bud” Robinson was saved through the preaching and prayers of a Methodist circuit rider. Although Bud was an epileptic who stuttered uncontrollably and had no education, he was convinced God was calling him to become a preacher and soul winner. At his first sermon, men gathered to mock. Bud stuttered horribly. His audience howled with laughter and slapped their knees. Suddenly God’s power came upon Bud and he spoke the gospel as clearly as any trained orator could have. Several of his mockers were converted—the first of thousands of individuals he would lead to Christ. Bud’s wife taught him to read. Eventually his hunger for holiness led him to join the Nazarene Church where he became a writer and editor for an official Nazarene magazine. Typical of his backwoods humor and down home approach in the pulpit is this quote from today, 17 November 1910.


“I am at work in a firm that deals especially with the sin disease and we recommend the mourner’s bench and confession and forsaking and believing and repenting and receiving and singing, crying and shouting. And the treatment will meet with the full approval of the Great Physician. The remedy has never failed in a single case, not in six thousand years.”


Miller, Basil. Bud Robinson: Miracle of Grace. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press, 1947.

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