Eyewitness Bible Series - Set of 12
The Eyewitness Bible Series is a fascinating behind-the-scenes study of the people and stories that are bedrock to the Christian faith, ancient stories that still echo with deep signficance for today’s world through eyewitness accounts. The series of narrations are an exploration of Scripture to empower your faith. This set of 12 includes Luke, Acts, Genesis & Job, Promised Land, Paul's Letters, Easter, Three Gospels, Christmas, James, Revelation, Kings and Prophets, and Other Letters.
- Item number: 97228D
- Media type: DVD
- Running Time:
- Region: All
- Production Year:
- Producer:
Luke: The Luke Series is a set of narrations based on the Bible’s book of Luke. Luke said that in writing his book he investigated everything first. His investigation included examining written materials and talking to eyewitnesses. This series is meant to imitate some of the stories Luke might have heard, as well as explore their meaning and importance. This series is true to the Bible but fills in story lines based on history, geography, and imagination.
Acts: Acts is a history of the first three decades of the Church. It is the only existing history of the Church that was written in the first century. Although the Bible does not specify it, Church tradition and many scholars agree that Luke wrote both Luke and Acts. A purpose of the Acts Series is to tell some of the information of the book of Acts from different vantage points. The series illustrates the stories that Luke might have heard from a dozen of the characters featured in his book of Acts.
Genesis & Job: Genesis describes the creation of Earth, gives the history of all mankind, and describes a brief history of the Israelite nation from its beginning until it moves to Egypt. All of Genesis is saturated with knowledge about God, his power, and his relationship with mankind. Job is a story of an ancient man, his struggles, and his dealings with God. Although nothing is absolutely clear concerning the time period of his life, it seems as if Job lived in the time before the Israelite nation existed. The Genesis & Job Series is the first of three Eyewitness Bible Series covering the Old Testament.
Promised Land: The Promised Land Series covers the books in the Bible from Exodus to Judges. These books describe events from the birth of Moses to the end of the era of the judges of Israel. Altogether, the Promised Land Series covers a time span of more than four centuries.
Paul's Letters: There is treasure hidden in Paul’s thirteen letters, but the path to find it is not obvious. In the Bible Paul’s letters are not sequenced in chronological order. Paul wrote his letters within the two decades of A.D. 48 to A.D. 68. His thirteen generally accepted letters are arranged in the New Testament in two blocks: the nine written to churches, then the four written to individuals. The nine written to churches are generally placed in order by length.
Easter: The Easter Series is a collection of eight episodes from other Eyewitness series. These episodes are selected to be watched on each day of Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday.
Three Gospels: The New Testament begins with four accounts of the life of Christ known as the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four Gospel books differ in what stories they include and how the stories are told. None of the four Gospels are meant to be a complete, detailed life of Jesus. This volume of the Eyewitness Bible covers the three Gospels of Mathew, Mark, and John. Another Eyewitness Bible volume is already dedicated solely to the book of Luke. The multiple Gospel accounts help us see the brilliance of the Spirit in meeting the needs of the original audiences as well as audiences over the following two millennia.
Christmas: This series is a collection of ten new episodes designed to be watched on the three Sundays prior to Christmas week, plus the seven days of Christmas week, ending on Christmas day.
James: James was possibly the first New Testament book written, probably penned in the very late 40’s A.D. It is generally accepted that the book was written by James, the leader of the Jerusalem Church, also known as James the brother of Jesus. His letter shows that he is a strong, experienced leader. Since James was writing to Jews, he did not need to review all of the laws of good behavior that they already knew from the Old Testament. His purpose was to guide Jewish Christians about how to live as Christians in various countries and cultures; how to live with non-Jews as their brothers and sisters in Christ; how to live within a political system that promoted the worship of the emperor; how to build local church communities. He accomplishes his purpose.
Revelation: Revelation was likely the last book of the New Testament to be written, and was placed last in the New Testament. It was probably written in the 80s or 90s A.D. by the Apostle John while he was exiled on the Island of Patmos. The apocalyptic imagery in Revelation makes the book difficult to understand and open to a wide variety of interpretations. Some believe the book describes events of John’s time, others believe it describes portions of the history of the Roman empire, while others believe it describes events that still have yet to occur. Many others think it describes portions of those three times along with other events, while others think it is entirely symbolic or allegorical. There are seemingly endless ways of interpreting this dynamic book, especially when other prophetic books of the Bible are brought into the matter. However, rather than throwing up your hands in frustration, take comfort that the author of Revelation encourages you to read and take to heart this special message from Jesus.
Kings and Prophets: Few Christians have a deep understanding of the Old Testament kings of Israel or the prophets and their messages. The purpose of this series is to allow viewers to quickly gain a better understanding of those things, as well as an appreciation of how that information is relevant today. Jesus and the apostles thought the kings and prophets were important, so we should, too.
Other Letters: The Other Letters series covers Hebrews; First and Second Peter; First, Second, and Third John; and Jude. All the letters written by Paul are in the Paul’s Letters series, while James is in the James series and Revelation is in the Revelation series. Surprisingly little information is known about the letters in this series. The exact dates of all of them are unknown, and the author of Hebrews is both unknown and disputed. The target audiences of the letters are broadly described, if described at all.