Faithful Witness: William Carey
William Carey -- now known as the "Father of Modern Missions" -- his example proved missions work was possible; his zeal convinced people missions work was essential; and generations of missionaries followed in his footsteps. Shoemaker, botanist, translator, preacher, factory manager -- William Carey was all those things and more. Most importantly, he was a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ amidst a life of personal grief, professional ridicule, and international strife.
- Item number: 9025
- Media type: Book
- Running Time:
- Region: All
- Production Year:
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William Carey -- now known as the "Father of Modern Missions" -- his example proved missions work was possible; his zeal convinced people missions work was essential; and generations of missionaries followed in his footsteps. Shoemaker, botanist, translator, preacher, factory manager -- William Carey was all those things and more. Most importantly, he was a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ amidst a life of personal grief, professional ridicule, and international strife.