God Wills it! Pope Urban Preached the First Crusade (1095)
“For the family of Shazia justice has not been done. It is not the first time that, in cases like this, the outcome of the process leaves influential M...”
“No justice for Shazia Bashir, the Christian girl raped and murdered.” http://www.fides.org/en/news/27881?idnews=27881&lan=eng#.VeHST1pA9dJ. For documentation of many more similar cases, see Raymond Ibrahim’s Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians. Washington, DC: Regenery Publishing, Inc., 2013.
The Lord Is Our Portion (1870)
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in Him”—Lamentations 3:24 (NASB).When God parceled out th...
Anastasius becomes bishop (pope) of Rome. He will condemn the writings of Origen.
Authority for the date: Wikipedia.639
Death of Bishop Acarius (Achaire) of Noyon-Tournai, an event remembered chiefly because his replacement will be the beloved medieval saint Elegius, also known as Eloy.
Authority for the date: genealegrand.pagesperso-orange.fr/haspres/haspres_saint_achaire.htm.1474
Death of composer William Dufay in Cambrai. He had pioneered developments in the singing of masses and had often been consulted on canon law in which he was expert.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1542
Death of Margaretha Blaurer, one of the first Lutheran deaconess to work among women.
Authority for the date: www.lutheranhistory.org.1627
Birth in the Hague, Netherlands, of Luise Henriette von Oranien, Electress of Brandenburg. She will become mother of Friedrich I, King of Prussia, founder of an orphanage near Berlin, and author of hymns, among which will be “Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense.”
Authority for the date: Cyberhymnal.1731
Death of Innocent, first bishop of the Diocese of Irkutsk and Nerchinsk. He established schools and evangelized the Siberians and Mongols with few resources from St. Petersburg. The church added the regions of Selingin, Yakutsk, and Ilimsk to his duties.
Authority for the date: http://orthodoxwiki.org/Innocent_of_Irkutsk.1759
James Ramsay goes aboard the slave ship Swift and sees appalling sights that make him the champion of abolition. He breaks his thigh the same day and has to leave the navy. Consequently he will take holy orders and begin work in the islands where he will learn more about slavery and become a champion of slaves.
Authority for the date: Shyllon, F. O. James Ramsay: The Unknown Abolitionist. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1977.1826
Christian explorer Jedidiah Strong Smith enters California’s San Bernardino Valley, becoming the first citizen of the United States to cross the southwestern part of the American continent.
Authority for the date: www.americanjourneys.org/pdf/AJ-112.pdf.1910
Baron Paul Nicolay writes that the director of the police in Odessa, Ukraine, has refused to let him hold an evangelistic meeting without permission of the Orthodox bishop, who will not grant it.
Authority for the date: Langenskjöld, Margareta. Baron Paul Nicolay.1970
Benjamín Mendoza y Amor Flores, dressed in a black clerical outfit, attempts to stab Pope Paul VI in the chest during the pontiff’s visit to Manila, and manages to nick his chest. The pope proceeds to read some prepared remarks as if nothing has happened.
Authority for the date: “List of Pastoral Visits of Pope Paul VI Outside Italy.” Wikipedia.